Sunday, November 13, 2011

Different pieces of the puzzle

A quick summary of all the previous blogs:

I started off the first blog post in this site on July 2008 with observations and questions about human's place and role in the Universe and how our incomplete knowledge of Universe causes uncertainty and consequently uneasiness in day-to-day life. I argued that incomplete knowledge is inevitable in a life of Duality as existential questions are beyond human knowledge. I initially thought the solution lied only in the domain of non-duality i.e. that there has to be a self annihilation; which happens naturally in dreamless sleep and in a state of flow. I soon realized a satisfactory solution is very much needed in the domain of duality as well, as we do spend substantial time outside the states of non-duality.
I argued that a philosophy for life in duality has to be synthesized to provide sails to navigate the seas of duality. Prevailing religions didn't appeal to me as they are based on an unseen God as their foundation. I am not wired to be a man of faith. I knew that any philosophy I synthesize won't comprise of 'absolute truths' of nature, but I wanted it to be at least complete, non-contradictory, elegant and rational based on human experience. The following philosophical framework is my take on the idea of god and a definition of a religion which will be a compass to live a life in duality. The hope for this is two-fold: a) that it gives me clarity in life, that it would serve as an anchor and rudder in predominantly a life of duality and b) that it would help others like me who are traveling a similar path.

Philosophical framework for life in duality:


1. God - universe

Although God is non-essential in this philosophical framework, the concept of God demands clarification. God is generally considered as the being that created Universe. God outside of Universe is unimaginable. God inside (part) of Universe is finite and hence unacceptable. What is approachable is the idea that God is indistinguishable from Universe. Consequently, a reverence for everything in the cosmos is reasonable.


2. Religion - practice this; respect everything, contribute every day, love along the way

Religion is a guide to life. The necessary characteristic of religion is it should be unshakable over your lifetime. If you become skeptical over its fundamental precepts, then it can't serve as a guide any more.
practice: Internalizing and expertise requires mindful practice. Practice; duality imposes you to act, which you can do good job of with practice.
respect: All things in existence are equal by virtue of their existence, hence all things (animate/inanimate) deem respect. Respect everything; self-respect is an intrinsic right. Threads: Intrinsic, Self, Objective, Community, Laws & Justice, Non-judgment => Equality, Scope for Meaning.
contribute: Contribute as you consume much from this world, only that is fair. Contribute everyday; self-value is created when you create value in the world. Threads: Extrinsic, Other, Subjective, Personal, Economics & Value, Education => Employment, Scope for Flow.
love: Deep, meaningful social relationships are needed to avoid feeling lonely. Love along the way; self-love is a gift that you receive when you receive love. Threads: Holistic, Mutual, Relative, Inter-Personal, Sociology & Nurture, Parenting => Family, Scope for Positive emotions.

The progression is: respect < value < love. Ideally; everyone will respect you, some will value you, a few will love you.

3. Pleasure - Practicing a religion that makes sense to you gives meaning to life. If the quality of our experiences going through life are also pleasurable to us, then that is the icing on the cake. Just seeking pleasure without meaning is an empty, unsatisfactory life and on the other hand just having a meaningful life without enjoying it is unsatisfactory as well. So, the formula for a great life, a happy life is a concoction of meaning and pleasure.


A meaningful+pleasurable day for a human would be as follows:
1. being in an environment where everyone's treated with dignity and equal rights are upheld and there is a compassionate social net for young and old people without a family
2. having flow experiences at work and being appreciated for the good work
3. receiving immense love from and having fun with family and friends
4. having a very restful, dreamless, great night's sleep

Most humans, however have a sub-optimal experience:
1. There are still sections of society that are discriminated even in most countries. Most countries don't give all its citizens even their basic rights. We still have homeless on our streets. We are just scratching the surface on rights of non-human entities.
2. Most people's skills and strengths don't sync up with the education they get or the jobs they do. So, they drudge through their workday instead of enjoying it and being creative at it.
3. Many don't have the social skills to be in a loving relationship, raising a family, giving unrequited love to their children, making genuine friends and having fun.
4. May be the sub-optimal experience of human lives reflects on the sub-optimal quality of sleep we have in the nights?


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