1. Human life is made up of these moments.
1.1. Moments of self-awareness
1.1.a. When awake - Except when daydreaming or in flow
1.2. Moments of self-non-awareness
1.2.a. When awake - When daydreaming or in flow
1.2.b. When asleep - When dreaming or deep asleep
2. Only in moments of self-awareness, we are faced with a real dilemma; to make a 'choice' and need help. Moments of self-awareness are 'decision points' where we decide how to chart the course of our life and how/when/where to have intense moments of self-non-awareness i.e. where to spend our time and energy.
3. On what basis do we 'choose' during moments of self-awareness? Science can help in making certain choices given the context, like "is potato chips or fruit a better snack for my health?" but it can't help in other situations like; "what constitutes a great life?". The reason is because an objective answer to the question: "what is the purpose of Universe?" is beyond our knowledge. Without knowing the purpose of the whole, the purpose of the part cannot be derived.
4. We need to synthesize an answer to the question, "what constitutes a great life?". Philosophies and Religions try to do just that. Existing religions require the practitioner to have faith in God/s or arcane concepts. Here I propose the pillars of a Philosophy that is grounded in human experiences and reason. Speaking in religious terminology for a moment, if I have to define and choose a God, I will say that the entirety of Universe is God. It is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent because Universe encompasses all things that exist; known and unknown.
5. This is a philosophy which I believe paves way for a meaningful and pleasurable life; meaning without pleasure or vice versa is not appealing to us. This emanates from my view of the Universe as an 'interconnection of infinite, unique objects'.
5.1. Each object is one among infinite objects
5.1.a. Desire close companionship to overcome infinitesimality
5.1.b. Joys of being among loving family and friends at Home
5.2. There are complex causal interconnections between objects
5.2.a. Obligated to learn and be sensitive to the interconnections
5.2.b. Joys of living in an equal and just Society
5.3. Each object is unique
5.3.a. Choice to demonstrate uniqueness
5.3.b. Joys of working on areas of passion at Work
Only the ecstatic, pleasurable, personal part of the experiences are listed above. When you help other Objects attain these pleasures, it gives meaning to your life.
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