Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Root Cause: Duality

Effect: Uneasiness due to uncertainty

Cause: Duality

Cause -> Effect: {Duality + Body/Mind} -> Imperfect knowledge -> Uncertainty -> Uneasiness

Symptom of the correct solution to the problem: To be at ease every moment



Human, Alas All Too Human said...

What if there is no such thing as objective knowledge, or better stated no truth, than everything would be subjective and relative. If you can accept that your search for truth will be never ending to be sure, but you will feel right as rain.

Unknown said...

Agreed..all knowledge is subjective and relative. We can be sure that the path to understand truth is not the conventional way, of getting subjective/relative knowledge. How is that a peaceful place, when you are aware of these limitations?

Human, Alas All Too Human said...

On the principal that no objective truth exists, subjective truth becomes the only truth, and truth is therefore whatever you make it. Also note that whatever subjective truths people have, even if in conflict with other's subjective truth, still have an equal amount of truth contained within them insofar as they both are in a world where truth as a thing in and of itself does not does not exist.

Unknown said...

In this blog, my point is, the root of all our problems is subjective knowledge (which is imperfect knowledge). I claim it is imperfect because we know more today then we did yesterday. Just an observation, thats all. May be you can be at peace with the awareness that you can only possess subjective knowledge, I can't.

Human, Alas All Too Human said...

You claim that knowledge is imperfect because we know more today then we did yesterday. You are using knowledge there in an objective sense, by saying one "knows" more than those before him, you are guilty of ascribing the value to your "knowledge" that it is indeed aculaity fact, which one consist of knowing an objective "thing in and of itself". I say since what is subjective cannot contain "a thing in and of itself" it can therefore not be understood as consisting of any truth (in the Epistemological sense), and can therefore not be understood to be any greater (or weaker) then the subjective knowledge of mankind at any point in the past, present, or future.

Unknown said...

Let us carry on the discussion at the other blog entry, I feel we are talking about the same thing at two places.