Universe is an "interconnection of infinite, unique objects". I have selected some pictures that exemplify this:
a) 'Interconnectedness' in Coral reef: This exemplifies ecosystem and interconnectedness of phenomena; sun, wave action, diversity and symbiosis of flora and fauna, nutrient content of water, global warming, human activity.
b) 'Infiniteness' in the naked eye view of Milky way: This exemplifies the sheer vastness of Universe, the expanse of space and time (as we are seeing the past, not the present when we look at night sky). The picture only shows part of our galaxy and astronomers have charted hundreds of billions of galaxies and no one really knows how big it is, yet.
c) 'Uniqueness' in the work done by the honey bee: This exemplifies the unique role played by honeybees in pollination which is essential for more than 100 agricultural crops i.e. a third of our food consumption. Without the work done by bees, we would only have apple flowers and no fruit.
In actuality, every slice of the Universe exemplifies these characteristics; these pictures only make them stand out. So, what do I infer from this information? I infer these things:
a) From 'interconnectedness', I realize the ethics in unconditional respect for all things. Equality, I believe should be the foundation of our society.
b) From 'infiniteness', I deduce the reason for my desire for close relationships. Companionship, I believe should be the foundation of our homes.
c) From 'uniqueness', I imagine the opportunities available for my contribution and value addition. Service, I believe should be the foundation of our businesses.
I believe living a life by these ideals leads to a meaningful and pleasurable life for us, for the people we care about, the society, the planet and may be even the Universe itself. I don't see any other 'rational' approaches to achieve the same goals :)
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